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portobello is back!

16 Jun

is BACK! I guess admin couldn’t pass up on the money she makes for them.

I sent them all kinds of links to alibaba,, etc, with screenshots of her facebook page, her non etsy legal items, etc.

She was gone for a while and set up shops on many different venues. One is facebook with a cart.

She is breaking the new linking rule, as she has her facebook selling site listed on her etsy shop and sells MANY of the same stuff she sells on etsy.

I am not going to bother to put any more time into this and reporting her, but if anyone would like to have a go, best of luck! Others have been trying for years with no luck.

Here is her shop that she talks about in her profile: “Designs by Portobello collection is also available at our online shop”

and etsy shop so you can compare:

She probably reads this blog and will “presto chango” get rid of all offending items.